How can I Become an Editor, and Does It Cost Anything?

Any activist that is truly dedicated to the Headline Optics mission can become an editor for free.

Yes, free.

Just in case you are wondering:

  • Do I need to buy a website?

  • Do I need technical skills?

  • Do I have to pay for training?

  • Is there any obligation to give Headline Optics a penny, ever???

  • Will this effort take me hours complete every day?

Okay, so what’s the catch?

There is no catch. The leadership of Headline Optics need dedicated patriots who want to change the world. We buy the websites, hosting, and will give you the app for free. We plan on monetizing our efforts by using the headlines you produces to create a news consumption app for right-of-center news consumers and a few (never obnoxious) online ads. We are not altruistic in our efforts, we want to change the world and make money just like you.

As of now, this is an all volunteer effort and NO ONE at Headline Optics draws a salary from this effort. We in fact pay into the Headline Optics efforts by offering editors everything they need at no cost.

If you would like to be considered as a news editor for your state, please fill out this form:

* NOTE: We will never ask for financial information, but we may ask for proof of participation through referrals, email address you used, and other information. Checking off none of these will NOT disqualify you.]